
Gardens are wonderful! Whether a vegetable garden, a flower garden or BOTH, Gardens are the 3rd of the 7 elements of a landscape

If you’ve got them, we will maintain them. If you want them, we can plant them.

Flower Gardens, they add a splash of color and depth to any landscape. PLUS, they are good for the birds, butterflies and of course, the bees! When planting a flower garden, we keep in mind what feeds the hummingbirds, what the butterflies love and what feeds the bees. 

Your flower gardens can include perennials (keep coming back) or annuals (seasonal flowers) or a mix of both. Maintenance is the thing to keep in mind here, if the weeds take over the flowers have no room to grow. And, like the Greenscape element, size matters here as well to get a properly planted flower garden. 

And then there’s the art of growing your own food!!! Vegetable gardens are a huge trend and can be in the ground OR in containers! Remember, container gardens totally count! 

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