About Us
We are a team of outdoor loving, tree hugging, gardeners & landscapers. If it requires dirt, mowing, trimming and creating, we dig right in!
Our passions lies in creating outdoor spaces you can relax in and enjoy year round. It’s simply what we do. We utilize the space & surroundings you have and work with the trees, shrubs & perennials that are hardy in our Alberta climates to create beautiful green spaces.
The owners of 7E, Darren & Baukje Strawson aren’t new to the landscaping world. Darren grew up running backhoe, digging basements and installing utilities. Baukje was simply always a nature lover enjoying being in and learning about gardening, trees, shrubs, plants and flowers.
In 2010 they started a concrete curbing company which they eventually sold to pursue a motorcycle shop. After having sold that shop, they once again found themselves in the wonderful world of nature starting Glenreagh Gardens and 7 Elements Landscaping & Yard Maintenance in the same year. They love serving their community and look forward to helping you with your next outdoor project.
“We understand the work it takes to maintain a yard, that’s why we started this company. To help you with the simple tasks, and with the tough ones!”
CONTACT US today for a custom quote. See all our services for a full list of what we can do your you.